Jun 18, 2019

Toyota and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center have been teaming up since 2004 to educate families about the proper way to use car seats. The initiative is known as Buckle Up for Life, and it focuses on educating parents to save children’s’ lives.

The reason for this service is to point out that most people do not know how to properly use a car seat, which can lead to harm and even death for a child. Since 2004, Buckle Up for Life has touched the lives of over 100,000 people and provided more than 60,000 car seats to families who cannot afford their own. Though originally stationed in Cincinnati, the program has expanded every year, reaching more families in more cities.

Gloria Del Castillo, the Senior Specialist of Community Engagement, said, “While it’s true that cars and trucks are safer than ever, a properly installed car seat can mean the difference between life and death in a crash.”

Al Smith, the Group Vice President and Chief Social Innovation Officer For Toyota Motor North America said, “We’ve been so proud to partner with Cincinnati Children’s to expand Buckle Up for Life from a local program to a national network of community organizations in 49 states. We look forward to empowering even more parents and caregivers with the education and resources they need to help keep their families safe.”

For some key pointers From Buckle Up for Life, check out the website for the program here!